Day 47 - 311 Miles
I overnighted near Spokane and headed west again. Through the Washington farms lands where they are growing a large variety of crops. I only saw one field of corn. LOL
The most impressive part of the drive is the descent into the Columbia River Gorge and back out the other side.
I really think, what with the successful technology of the Alaskan Pipeline (oil of course) we could benefit by piping some of the water from the Columbia River to California. It'll never happen... but why not create some infrastructure to move resources from where they are overly abundant to places where they are scarce.
Nice bike eh?
Overlooking the Gorge, from the other side of the freeway, is an art project originally called the Four Horses. The herd has grown. Too bad it's so far from a convenient place to stop. Here it is at 8X. Click the pic and you can see it better.
The mountain passes, Cascades?, are gorgeous and uniquely different than California because they are fully tree covered despite the apparent cragginess. Is that a word? Cragginess? LOL
Total Miles: 13,441
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