Day 7. 180 Miles
Woke up, broke camp, and headed over the next pass east, looking for a place to eat. Stopped in Broadus and found one place, The Cashaway. Didn't think much about the name... but then found out they only took cash. Between us we scraped enough together to not end up washing dishes and headed east again.

We side-tracked south to find the Devil's Tower. Now if you think you know it from Close Encounters of the Third Kind... you have to go see it yourself. You have no idea.
Then on south to the condominims. Through Sundance, Spearfish, Deadwood, and finally Lead. There were a fair number of bikes in Spearfish, but it wasn't until we hit Deadwood that we were, or at least I was, really impressed. It was almost overwhelming, bikes parked everywhere, along the streets and filling every parking lot.
Lead is smaller and not as many bikes out on the streets here... we passed through town and up the mountain to the ski resort that is to be our accomodations. Plush... but Cozette??? What's with just one bed!! LOL
Total Miles: 2104
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