Day 44 - 198 Miles
I was really glad I took the time to go into Buffalo Gap National Grasslands and the Badlands National Park. Last year, after Sturgis the weather was mediocre and I skipped this... and now I know what I missed.
The weather is perfect and so is the sky... so the grass is very green and the lakes are very very blue. (A bad picture... but you get the idea... Time for a new camera maybe...)
And then you come to the badlands and boy... it's abrupt! And magnificent.
I drove the entire length of the park except the 25 mile stretch of gravel roads... not with these tires.
I bought some stuff for lunch at the visitor center / lodge, and headed back into the park to a picnic area near the famous "Pig Dig" and checked that out too.
Then onto Rapid City where they serviced my bike immediately. No whitewalls, but at least the tires match. Looks okay too. Different but okay. Then onto Sturgis, but the main attraction this time of year are the biker bars and that's not my bag... at least not at this point. Too many miles to go and I don't drink and drive the bike.
Then onto Belle Fourche. Center of the USA.
Total Miles: 12,244