Day 28 - 238 Miles
Shennandoh Nat'l Park is a glorious place to camp, especially when the lowlands are hot. We all slept wonderfully. Broke camp, and found out that the skyline restaurants all opened after 7:30 in the morning, and we didn't care to wait as we knew the heat was coming.
Unfortunately, the gas station up there also... wasn't open and didn't take 'self-serve' credit card payment. Sheesh!! If we'd known, we could have gotten gas the night before. By the time we found gas, Dori's trike was on reserve... and took 5.4 gallons in a 5.3 gallon tank. I think if the Valk didn't have six carborators, she would have already run out of gas. LOL
We did see a rare sight, one of the four Perigryne Falcons that were brought to the park in hopes they would thrive there. Too bad though, by the time we stopped and got out cameras, he/she? had gone off for better hunting. Still, a grand moment.
I stopped at the Fredricksburg Battlesite Visitor's Center and took pictures of the wall along the Sunken Road.
Then we headed back to Hampton.
Total Miles: 7374
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